Thank You Veterans

My Special Photos

Have you thanked a military Veteran today for your freedom? It’s Memorial Day, 2018!


To Veterans, we owe our freedom in America. Many men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice in conflict and war to make that possible. Don’t ever forget them! And say thank you on more than one occasion during the year!

Always remember! Never forget a Vet!


I love this screen The Weather Channel used to depict one of World War II’s decisive battles of World War II, at Iwo Jima, during the station’s Memorial Day Week 2018 broadcasts.

First Photo from the personal and copyrighted collection of Barbara Anne Helberg

Independents Separatists and Allies


Saluting soldier at the Veterans Park at the Bridge, Napoleon, Ohio

July 4th marks the annual celebration in America of its Independence Day, the result of the Declaration of Independence signed in 1776. America broke away from Britain’s control of her, yet in World War II, it was Britain to whose aid America eventually rose, and together they helped form the Allied forces that defeated the invasions of Japan and Hitler’s Nazi Germany.

It should be noted that the American Constitution, written to ensure the lasting freedom of its people, wisely called for separation of church and state. This insured the liberty of the people to chose their own religious callings, something that had been impossible in their former lives in Britain at that time.

Paradoxically, it was the Bible that was “…the most cited book in the political discourse of the age, referenced more frequently than the great political theorists…” scholar Martin E. Marty pointed out.

It’s time for Americans to think deeply about the preceding three paragraphs. No better time than July 4th!

Photo from the personal and copyrighted collection of Barbara Anne Helberg