A Kinder Gentler Trump…


Kinder gentler cloud formations?

Will we see a kinder, gentler President Trump going forward after his olive branch reach-out speech to the United States Congress February 28th?

Following an all out call to political war in his January 20th speech to the people on Presidential Inauguration Day, President Donald J. Trump decided to tone things down, look and speak more presidentially, and seek partnerships with those who haven’t supported him, thus far, when he addressed congressmen -women last Tuesday evening.

His stature was far removed from the fire-storming, no holds barred candidate who campaigned and was inaugurated as, by his own claim, the only man alive who can fix all of America’s current woes.

This new version of Trump may not last, but, nonetheless, there is hope while there is out-reach.

Photo from the personal and copyrighted collection of Barbara Anne Helberg